30 min Live Event

Making a change requires you to change.

But breaking old patterns is hard.
That’s why we are hosting a virtual event that guides you through the basic science behind change.

Uncover how limiting patterns influence your body and health, and how to break free from inner limitations and old personality.

Register TODAY!


60 min Online Masterclass

Making a change requires you to change.

But breaking old patterns is hard.
That’s why we are hosting a virtual event that guides you on how to break that pattern.

Register TODAY!





Feel The Fulfilment & Joy

You Always Wanted To Have

Why do so many seemingly successful people struggle with feeling:

Unfulfilled 👉 Lonely 👉 Burned Out 👉 Stuck or even 👉 Numb?

It’s because they keep repeating old patterns!

More… they work less joy they feel
More… they try to connect, less connected they feel
More… wealth they accumulate, less wealthy they feel

It’s time… to BREAK FREE from old patterns, limiting beliefs and discover the untapped potential WITHIN YOU.

Your “moment” is NOW.

It’s time to break free and live a fulfilled life.

Within 30 minutes
you will increase

Awareness of your Old Patterns

What got you where you are won’t get you where you want to be. The only way forward is to dive deep inside you and realise that you have everything you ever needed. That is what our MasterClass is all about.

Inner Exploration

Discover the power slowing down and creating space for your yourself, your thoughts and needs.

No one else can do this, but you.


Understand the impact of running on autopilot and discovers science behind the power of consciousness and transformation.

reignite your passion

Discover paths to overcome inner limitations, learn how to listen to and understand your inner critique, so you can finally do what makes you
fulfilled and passionate.

Community Connection

Connect with like-minded people who are on the journey to break free from their own
limitations and tap into higher consciousness & extraordinary results.

July 17th, 2024 | 5pm AEST

Pain Comes From

Repeating The Same EMOTIONAL PATTERNS And Expecting Different Outcomes

Most New Year resolutions failed by now and 80% of them will fail by the start of February.

Think about it! That’s crazy high.

When I saw this statistic it truly made me think about why it’s so hard to make a change – sustainable change.

Do you know why I found it after interviewing CEOs and Founders, business partners and running an online survey?

The one thing that holds people back from achieving a sustainable change are – old thinking and emotional patterns and limiting beliefs.

It’s time to BREAK FREE. It’s time to be YOU.

Join me for a free Masterclass and learn how.

Alex Terrey

Founder, CEO, Transformational
Coach & Mentor, 

Isn’t it time to
finally break free?

If Not Now,

Can we agree that making a sustainable change is hard?

When you turn on the news, it feels as if we re living in autopilot mode. It’s as though we’re not even paying attention to what’s going on in our world.

Yet, days, dreams, and fulfillment pass by us many of us.

If you are reading this, it means that we’ve interrupted your pattern. Good! It takes change like this to change what you do without knowing. Those who make it pass this point can experience their true selves and live fulfilled life.

But also inspire those around them this is what a true leader does.

Here is the trick. You can’t wish your way to success… You need to take action…

During this  60 minute Event “Break That Pattern , our lead coach Alex Terrey will share the science behind stress, anxiety and feeling stuck and it’s impact on our body and soul….she will share strategies designed to help YOU finally break trough what was holding you back..

You’ll discover how to find and listen to your true self, understand yourself and others on a deeper level… and kickstart sustainable transformation.

This is more than a free event. It s designed to BRING AWARENESS TO YOUR PATTERNS, so you can connect with your true self, finally realise your potential… and inspire those around you to do the same.



80% of people fail on pursuing their goal.

Become the person You've Always Wanted To Be!

Before you leave...

A long term transformation can only occur when someone is ready to make a change. If the time is not now, that’s fine, you can always come back when you are ready to make a change and break free from old patterns and limitations