the mentoring effect

Master Team’s Psychological Safety Course

Cultivate team's psychological safety

6-week Conscious Leadership Program for Middle managers

create psychological safety and well-being in high-performing team

  • For anyone who is passionate about great culture and desire to create better team environment and team vibe
  • For emerging leaders, managers, supervisors, leaders who are looking for proven strategy for leadership and change management
  • For anyone who wants to improve proactivity, personal responsibility and ownership in their team
  • For those who desire to increase confidence, building trust and influence

our mission

We strive to empower you with the inspiration and knowledge to unlock your full potential. Our VISION is to help  leaders and managers to become more confident and influential in their role and improve ability to create thriving, high-performance and safe work environment. We believe in you and your ability to achieve the best version of yourself, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. You have the power to pave your own path to success with the right support and resources. Let’s work together to turn your goals into reality and unlock your true potential.

Would you like to join us?

  • Proven Strategy to Create psychological safety and well-being in high-performing team
  • Leadership frameworks focusing on proactivity, empowering responsibility, influence, and trust
  • Increase performance and results in business and team
  • Personal transformation and self-leadership from stress to well-being, from react to respond 
  • Improve confidence and efficiency
  • Understand how to motivate people – inspire people sustainable way
  • Increase positive influence on team and initiate positive engagement
  • Improve communication and team dynamics
  • Improve engagement and collaboration in your team
  • Improve Diversity and inclusivity
  • Integrate new measurements to track culture change and behavioural change
  • Become more confident and emotionally fit leader

Your 6-Week Program

Week 1

Introduction to CEB method

How to succeed in this course CEB™ – Introduction and understanding of three levels Self-Coaching models to improve well-being and confidence.

Week 2

Shifting Collective thinking

Understanding and implementation. Create culture blueprint – quality of the collective thinking. Tools to implement in CALIBRATION process.

Week 3

Building emotional fitness

Understanding and implementation. Create emotionally fit team Tools to implement in CALIBRATION process.

Week 4

Shifting to positive behaviours

Understanding and implementation. Tools to implement in CALIBRATION process and alignment DISC behavioural alignment – understanding 4 behavioural styles. CORE NEEDS functional communication and human drivers.

Week 5

Processes and systems CAM

Tools to implement CALIBRATION and ALIGNMENT of processes and communication.

Week 6

Tactical Plan for PS and HP

Tactical steps and game plan for integration process. Strategy alignment & performance measurements. Goal setting process. Q&A. Test.

Our CEB™ Method

Most leaders try to change people’s behaviours. Behaviours led leadership doesn’t work anymore and sadly it was taught for decades. It’s what we learned and what we do, we get bad behaviours and we try to change those and we get conscious or subconscious resistance from people. Did you ever experience it? CEB method is the solution we developed based on thinking, emotional and behavioural levels which will create positive lasting and sustainable results in your team performance and culture.


Values, Beliefs, Attitude, Purpose, Goals, Language, Vision & Mission


Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Team dynamics


Process, Steps, Behaviour, Collective Habits, Measure


Planning, Evaluation, New Measurements

I highly recommend the Mentoring Effect to improve your leadership skills and business culture. Alexandra’s approach to teamwork, leadership and business culture is great and she gets really invested in you and as client. She makes you feel very comfortable about discussing the difficult issues a build a successful team and a positive culture.

Her friendly attitude and work ethic just makes the whole process very enjoyable for everyone!

Top coach!!!

Magda Betlem

I’ve just completed a very successful 3 month mentoring engagement with Alex from The Mentoring Effect and highly recommend their services. Following the sessions with Alex, I feel better equipped to approach and manage professional (as well as personal situations) with a clearer and more confident mindset.


The 21 day course was very well presented and laid out, it covered many important business and life strategies and topics, designed to help everyone become more successful as a business owner, and as a person, on a daily basis. Highly recommended.

Steve Adam
Clear Vision Finance

Alex has an incredible wealth of knowledge and skills in her industry and always provides a service level that is way beyond what is expected. If you are looking to partner with a true professional – Alex is the perfect choice!

Martina Berry
Director, Professionals Rockingham

We got some excellent feedback on your session, the consistent theme was that we could probably have done hours / days on the topic and still only scratched the surface! I really like the fact that, through your session, we have continued and built on a conversation that we started a while back. We spend a lot of time ‘doing the doing’ in our roles, being able to step away from those duties for a time to examine some of our thinking and have that collective wisdom challenged was really valuable. It may not have felt like it but there was some good engagement from officers who traditionally aren’t that forthcoming, think the team are a cautious lot so the format certainly worked for us. A static presentation would have landed with a couple people but as a whole the collective found it more valuable to be engaged in the conversation.

I loved that you were engaged with the room and so readily pivoted to make it meaningful for them. My views are just that, the fact you were able to draw out some value for them as a group in a relatively short interaction speaks volumes to your ability to adapt.

Really appreciate the fact you were able to work with us so quickly and make it meaningful for the team. It will, and should be, an ongoing process but one that I think you’ve helped us build some momentum behind going forward.

Thank you!

Australian Border Force

Alex ran an excellent session for us at RSM Accountants in Rockingham. She was full of knowledge and was able to effectively engage the team in a non intimidating way. Alex has lots of energy and has a very positive attitude to life, and you leave with a good mindset to set about achieving your goals.

Chris Depiazzi
Senior Manager, RSM Australia

Program Price & What's Included

$1,500.00 incl. GST

“I believe today’s leadership is all about facilitation of the growth, progress, understanding, well-being, innovations and psychological safety. Leaders creates environment where people feel heard, seen, understood and feel like they matter. This is the key to motivation, success and performance.”