How to keep remote employees engaged?

The world is changing, leaders should adapt and innovate. We see a lot of businesses going down and the same time a lot of businesses fire up, evolve and innovate! The question is, where will you and your business like to be in 2022? Are you going to innovate or are you going to wait […]
Conscious Leadership.

Conscious Leadership – The Leader’s Competence Tool Kit I would love to share a story about two very different styles of leadership and how they impacted results for the organisation. It is a story about Ronald and Gerald, former CEOs of two big Airline companies and one railway company. This story really resonated with me […]
Airborne Entrepreneur Podcast All Episodes

Airborne Entrepreneur Podcast All Episodes
Why procrastination is the thief of time and what to do about it!

DOWNLOAD YOUR TOOL TO HELP YOU TO STOP PROCRASTINATE If you are in business you must get the most out of yourself and maximise productivity. If you question that, you must question why you are in business for yourself. Introspection over, how do you maximise productivity? Well, clearly, one of the top killers of productivity […]